8 ways to serve Deaf church members

Are you a hearing church who wants to better serve your Deaf church members?
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Are you a hearing church who wants to better serve your Deaf church members? Below are eight ways you can support your Deaf church members as a church.

  • Encourage members of the clergy to learn sign language.
  • Provide opportunities for Deaf people to worship and learn in an atmosphere in which sign language is the primary language.
  • Advance the awareness and respect for Deaf culture and people.
  • Provide leadership opportunities for Deaf people to participate and or lead in the areas of pastoral care, worship and education.
  • Work to increase awareness among all ministers in pastoral care such as chaplains, hospice workers, parish and hospital staff, and funeral directors about the needs of people who are Deaf.
  • Provide Deaf members with access to retreats and spiritual enrichment sessions that are interpreted into sign language.
  • Educate Deaf people about the services and opportunities they offer.
  • Work together for stewardship to raise money for Deaf ministries, while recognizing the broader definition of stewardship, such as volunteer service of time.

Experience the Deaf Bible in your sign language

The Deaf Bible is a free app that lets you learn about God through sign language videos made for you to understand. 

Access the app today to experience the Bible for free in 58 sign languages!

More Resources

Discover who you are in Christ in this first session from Transformed, a Deaf-led devotional created in partnership with Deaf Harbor and Life Church.
transformed session 1
Learn about the Bible and its history in this session from Transformed, a Deaf-led devotional created in partnership with Deaf Harbor and Life Church.
transformed session 2
Grasp God's infinite love for you in this session from Transformed, a Deaf-led devotional created in partnership with Deaf Harbor and Life Church.
transformed session 3